
Can Music Turn Nightmares into Sweet Dreams?
Aanya Gupta
Did you know that an estimated 50% to 85% of adults report having the occasional nightmare? Nightmares can not only lead to depression and anxiety but have also been linked to mental disorders. Wouldn’t it be amazing if we had a way to get rid of our nightmares and only have pleasant dreams? 

Singing in the brain: Neural representation of music and voice as revealed by fMRI

Aanya Gupta

Vocal and musical stimuli elicit preferred responses from different parts of the temporal lobe. These include
the superior temporal sulcus and gyrus for the former, and the planum polare and temporale for the latter.
Since singing has vocal and musical properties, it uses all of these areas.

Depression and Mental Health of Students,
and possibilities offered by Cognitive Neuroscience

Aanya Gupta

Did you know that mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, depression, epilepsy, dementia, and substance abuse disorders constitute about 13% of the global burden of disease worldwide, surpassing both cancer and cardiovascular disease.  These figures are likely to have been further exacerbated in Covid 19 and due to the proliferation of social media platforms, particularly in the younger generation. 


Can Science Help you smoke less?

Aanya Gupta

Scientists find that olfactory aversive conditioning during sleep reduces cigarette smoking behavior.

Megan- A Combination of BioRobotics, Neuropsychology and Large Language Models
Aanya Gupta

The world of cinematic horror has had it’s fair share of popular, creepy dolls… except the they’re all carbon copies of each other.

The Efficacy of Gene Therapies in Curing Neurodegenerative Diseases,
specifically, Parkinson’s Disease

Aanya Gupta

Gene therapy can help cure neurological diseases – MeiraGTx is a clinical-stage gene therapy company focused on developing potentially curative treatments for patients living with serious diseases, using adeno-associated virus (AAV) as the vector for delivering genes. I learnt so much working alongside some of the smartest researchers in the world on Parkinson’s Disease

The Recursive Relationship Between Personalized Music
Choice and Adolescent Mental Wellness:
An Empirical Study

Aanya Gupta

The availability of music streaming apps on the mobile phone, has enabled the transition of music listening from a collective social experience to a personalized and individual one. Our research, for the first time to the best of our knowledge, relates these two facets of music choice and music impact and demonstrates that there exists a recursive relationship between them.

Can Music be the Neurological Drug to help Cure Alzheimer’s Disease

Aanya Gupta

Every three seconds, someone in the world develops dementia, the most common form being Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). Music as a whole brain experience may well be the comprehensive psychopathological model which can help us understand and anticipate the effects of AD.